Collier Group Home
Collier Group Home is a residence for ten teenage girls who are unable to live in their own homes due to significant and longstanding personal or family issues. The girls live together in a warm, attractive setting where they interact with each other and supportive adults. Staffed twenty-four hours a day by professional counselors, the residence provides a stable and affirming environment in which girls prepare to return to their homes or independent living.
Depending on their individual academic and emotional needs, the residents either attend Red Bank Regional (the local public school) or Collier High School, an alternative school for teens who would benefit from a smaller, more therapeutic learning environment. Each girl’s academic placement is determined during the admissions process.
The counseling program helps each girl determine and achieve her own goals and set the course for a successful adult life. Since each resident is unique, a treatment plan is tailored for each youngster.
The girls meet weekly with the Group Home’s social worker to deal with personal and family issues and treatment goals. Residents also benefit from weekly informal house meetings and group therapy sessions, conducted by a social worker. Every three months, each girl’s progress is reviewed and the treatment plan is adjusted accordingly.
Believing in the primacy of family relationships, we know that young people do best when there is a partnership with them and their families. Families are encouraged to be involved in their daughter’s treatment plan and participate in all team meetings.
The goal of counseling is to help young women take charge of their lives.
Candidates are referred to the Group Home through the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS), Unified Case Management, Care Management Organizations, and Youth Case Management. Girls may also be identified as needing this service by schools, mental health centers, social service agencies, the courts, and private practitioners.
A referral packet should contain:
Social History
Mental Health Evaluation (if applicable)
Educational Evaluation and IEP (if applicable)
Complete Health History
Birth Certificate
Social Security Card
An intake interview will be scheduled to allow the candidate to view the program and determine if placement in the program is appropriate. Upon entry, each new resident is also interviewed by the consulting psychologist.
For information regarding referral and intake procedures, contact Annmarie DeRosa, Group Home Social Worker, during business hours at 732-842-8337 or
email at