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Collier House

Collier House is a transitional living program for young adults ages 18-21 years old, located in Keyport, NJ. The program provides a safe, attractive, and stable environment, with staff present 24 hours a day. Collier House helps prepare its young adults for a smooth transition into adulthood and is designed to assist in developing the life skills necessary to lead a self-sufficient and productive life and recognize the individual's strengths, needs, abilities, and preferences (SNAP). 



Candidates are referred to Collier House through the New Jersey State Department of Children and Families, Monmouth County Division of Social Services, Care Management Organizations, Youth Case Management, and Basic Center Shelters. Candidates may also be identified by community providers, mental health professionals, residential programs, schools, and others.

A referral packet should contain:

  • Social History

  • Mental Health Evaluation (if applicable)

  • Complete Health History

  • Birth Certificate

  • Social Security Card

An intake interview will be scheduled to allow the candidate to view the program and determine if placement in the program is appropriate. For more information regarding the referral and intake process, please contact Christina Troyer, Program Manager, at 732-264-3222 or

Welcome to Collier House!

The mission of Collier House is based on the philosophy of deep respect for the inherent worth of each individual, regard for the environment, and belief in the capacity for personal change.
Collier commits itself to forming relationships with people so that each person may experience a sense of belonging, dignity, hope, and empowerment.