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Building Bridges Initiatives

Six Core Strategies

The Collier Residential Program follows the Six Core Strategies through the National Association of State Mental Health Program and Directors (NASMPD). The Six Core Strategies is a program design that works through trauma-informed approaches such as the Sanctuary Model and NHA. The Collier Residential Program Team embraces the Six Core Strategies to help us understand that we cannot take trauma away, but we can reframe and reset ourselves and help our youth. The list of the Six Core Strategies are as follows:

  • Leadership toward organizational change
  • Use data to inform practices
  • Develop our workforce
  • Implement seclusion/restraint prevention tools (Collier never implements seclusion or restraint)
  • Full inclusion of service users, Youth and Family, in all activities
  • Debriefing


Performance Measurment and Management Plan

Collier Group Home participates in the agency wide Performance Measurement and Management Plan. The purpose of the Performance Measurement and Management Plan is to identify measures for service delivery including results achieved for the persons served (effectiveness); experience of service received and feedback of other youth served; resources used to achieve results for the youth served (efficiency); and service access. Collier Group Home treatment team members gather information on the experiences of the youth that are served via open communication that occurs every day through group meetings and quarterly surveys, which gather information from the youth served, caregivers, stakeholders and past youth.   Collier Group Home treatment team identifies Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are included in the agency-wide PMIS Plan. All KPI’s are continuously reviewed and data collected, analyzed and documented on a quarterly basis for the purpose of identifying trends and opportunities for improvement in the delivery of services to the youth served. Collier Group Home KPI’s that measure effectiveness, service access, efficacy and experiences are reviewed annually in attempt to identify areas that need improvement in service delivery and support Collier Group Home treatment program to better serve our youth, family and stakeholders and achieve identified goals. 



We welcome feedback with the use of surveys and responses from our youth, families, caregivers, treatment providers, and others with whom we interact on a biannual basis.