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Individualized Planning

At the time of arrival at Collier, the youth will be welcomed by team members, assisted with their belongings, and shown their room. The youth are made aware of their treatment counselor, provided an orientation by their case manager, and introduced to the other youth. They are given time to personalize their individualized living space. Everyone involved is committed to their success and attainment of goals. To help achieve this, Collier staff provides opportunities within the first week to begin their individual planning process, which is tailored to their strengths, needs, abilities, and preferences.

Crisis Intervention Plan: 

This plan is created within a week of admission with the youth and Clinical Social Worker and includes:

  • Youth's definition of a crisis
  • Current coping skills
  • Warning signs
  • Actions taken to respond to identified triggers and risks
  • Preferred interventions necessary for personal and public safety


Safety Plan:

At the time of orientation to the program, the youth and case manager develop an initial Safety Plan that identifies personal coping skills that can be utilized during times of heightened emotions or feelings of being unsafe. 


Individualized Planning Team:

There will be a Child Family Team Meeting (CFT Meeting) held after 30 days to develop an individualized plan. The youth will get to invite who they want to their Child and Family Team, which includes their guardian, CMO, and DCP&P. The Collier Residential Program case manager will coordinate with the family and team to schedule the meeting. The participation of the youth, guardian, care manager, case worker, education partner, law guardians, and DCP&P nurse (as necessary) are included in the treatment planning. At the CFT meeting, also known as the treatment meeting, the youth and family create their vision, develop collaborative, person-centered goals supporting the youth's commitment to achieving their goals identified in treatment, education/vocational, physical, emotional, spiritual, and medical needs, recreational preferences, and review of the Crisis Plan. The treatment plan addresses all identified risk factors or other behaviors and concerns that are addressed in the youth's Crisis Plan. After the first 30-day individualized plan is created, a 90-day CFT meeting, or more frequently as necessary, is held to review the progress and areas of growth and change. 


Therapeutic Counseling Services:

The Collier Residential Program provides Individual and Group Counseling with the Clinical Social Worker, in addition to the youth's treatment counselor, to review their goals and offer therapeutic holistic services and interventions.

  • Individual and Group Counseling 1x per week at the home with the Clinical Social Worker
  • Individual counseling 1x per week with the Clinical Case Manager in addition to weekly or biweekly meetings with the case manager and consulting physiatrist (in home). 
  • Biweekly goal review with their assigned treatment counselor
  • Mindfulness Based Expressive Art Groups held weekly
  • Family Counseling with House Social Worker


Transition Planning, Discharge Planning, & Continuum of Care Planning

Transition goals are developed at the 30-day individualized service plan meeting, reflective of the youth's treatment goals, and are reviewed with the family and team every 90 days. The Social Worker and Case Manager work together to communicate with the families weekly when returning home is the goal. When the goal is independent living, they will work with the Social Worker and Case Manager to achieve this goal.